Quake Mission Pack 1 (Scourge of Armagon): copy the HIPNOTIC folder with all content from the original CD or the Quake installation folder into the DarkPlaces folder, in this example you'll end up with c:\games\quakedp\HIPNOTIC.
Copy the Mission Pack game file folder(s) to the DarkPlaces folder:.
You have a running version of Quake with the DarkPlaces engine, as described above.
Below are instructions to get the Mission Packs running. With the DarkPlaces Quake engine you can also play Quake Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon and Quake Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity.
Select Lighting: full to use preconfigured high quality lighting settings.
Select Effects: high to use preconfigured high quality effect settings.
Select apply and press esc to return to the options menu.
Set New resolution to desktop resolution.
Check basic video settings by selecting the Change Video Mode option in the Options menu, optimal settings:.
Start DarkPlaces Quake engine by double clicking the darkplaces.exe file in the c:\games\quakedp folder.
Start and configure the DarkPlaces Quake engine
Copy or the save the downloaded file into the ID1 folder, in this example c:\games\quakedp\ID1\.
Download the soundtrack (QUAKE_Music.pk3).
However, there is a pk3 archive available which contains the soundtrack, which allows you to play Quake with the DarkPlaces source port AND the original music. If you want them, you'll have to extract them. The music of Quake on the original installation CD consists of CD audio tracks (starting with track 2), which are not copied to your hard disk when you install the game.
Copy the ID1 folder with contents from the Quake installation folder (or the installation CD) into the DarkPlaces folder, in this example you'll end up with c:\games\quakedp\ID1.
Copy the contents from the downloaded zip file to an empty folder of choice, in this example c:\games\quakedp.
Windows 64 bits: DarkPlaces engine Windows 64 OpenGL build 20140513.
Windows 32 bits: DarkPlaces engine Windows OpenGL build 20140513.
Download the latest stable/official release of the DarkPlaces Quake engine files:.
Installation of the DarkPlaces Quake engine
You don't have the original Quake game? Download Quake (including Mission Pack 1 and 2)!.
The game files are in the ID1 folder on the CD.
If you have an original Quake CD with a Windows version, you don't have to install the game.
The game files are in the ID1 folder of the Quake installation. Instructions on how to install a game from CD in DOSBox are here.
If you have an original Quake CD with a DOS version, install the game with DOSBox.